Hello Hunters--Have you ever found yourself on a big game hunt and you go to cock your bow and the wire snaps? Well, don't get caught this season without your spare accessories such as our
Barnett Predator Crossbow Extra Cross Wire String, which can be found at thecrossbowstore.com. That's correct, we already have the cross wire in stock and ready to ship! So when you're telling your buddies your hunting story this season, make sure it only includes the kill and not some sad story about your string breaking and not being prepared. Not shooting a Predator crossbow, not to worry as we have other CrossWire Strings and Cables available for the following Barnett crossbows:
Barnett Ghost 400 CRT CrossWire String
Barnett Ghost 350 CRT CrossWire String
Barnett Predator Lite CRT CrossWire String
Barnett Buck Commander CrossWire String
Barnett Penetrator 2010 and prior CrossWire String
Barnett Revolution/Quad CrossWire String
Barnett Wildcat C5 CrossWire String
Barnett Jackal CrossWire String
Barnett CrossWire Replacement Cable
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