The new Ravin R15 crossbow is a crossbow with downright serious performance.
In the wild there are
many apex predators. By definition an apex predator is a predator at the top of the food chain, upon which no other animals predate upon. These are the baddest of the bad, and if you think you can tangle with them, you might have another thing coming.
The animal world isn't the only kingdom with an apex. Even in the world of crossbows there is an apex, a place for the boss of bosses. Like the pride lion whose roar can be heard for miles on a clear night, these crossbows simply look down at all others. While this place at the top may be an arguable and revolving door, there are only a few that enter the conversation. One such bow is the Ravin R15.
Ravin R15
[caption id="attachment_6920" align="alignright" width="150"]
Ravin R15 crossbow[/caption]
When reviewing
the specs on this crossbow there is one stat that just jumps off the page. 425 feet per second. In a world where most fast crossbows hang around the 400 fps range, this stand noticeably above the rest. While there may be one or two faster bows, this one can certainly hang with the best of them. It also can produce a whopping 160 ft. lbs. of kinetic energy, which might be just enough to stop a tank in its tracks. Yikes.
The flip side of the coin is that the Ravin R15 has the accuracy to match its speed. Sometimes we get caught up in looking at how fast bows are, and we sometimes forget archery is really all about one thing; accuracy. In this case the R15 is a superb choice. Surf the web and you'll no doubt come across countless videos showcasing this bow's tremendous accuracy. Here is a video put out by Youtuber Twang N' Bang featuring this bow.
As you can tell, even in the high wind this bow can stack them up.
In addition to the performance of the bow, it also has a few other redeeming characteristics. First off, the bow has a sleek profile and measures only 10.5 inches axle to axle when uncocked. Not only that, but the sleek stock design looks like something in a Sci-Fi movie. It also has all the bells and whistles you'd expect from a flagship crossbow with an integrated cocking device, crisp safety, anti-dry fire mechanism, and a clean breaking trigger. This crossbow simply is the complete package.
If you are looking to get into a really serious crossbow, the Ravin R15 is about as good as it gets. There may be other bows that can compete, but at the end of the day there will only be one standing. If it takes a fast, accurate, and decked out crossbow to be at the top of the crossbow world, the R15 may truly be the apex predator.
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