When you constantly pull back the sting on your crossbow time after time, you can expect it to begin to wear. The strings will dry out and wear if you do not service them properly. Many companies out there make waxes and lubes for you to put on your crossbow. If you value the longevity of your crossbow then you will surely read on to see how you can prolong its precious life. There is also no harder pill to swallow than having your crossbow string break when you are out in the field hunting. It will not only ruin your day, but will also cost you a pretty penny.
[caption id="attachment_3852" align="alignleft" width="146"]
Rail lube will aid crossbow longevity.[/caption]
You want to be careful when applying the wax to your crossbow so that you do not put an excess of it on your center serving. This is because when you repeatedly put
string wax on there, it will gradually build up with wax. This will cause some problems with the trigger mechanism and then you will have to take apart the trigger mechanism (which is not as simple as it sounds) in order to clean the gunk out.
You should wax the strings on a crossbow more often than you would for your traditional or vertical bow. This is because a crossbow string tends to have over two times the draw weight of a regular bow. I would recommend that you apply some lube every 50-75 shots, but every manufacturer tends to request something different. The beauty about this process is that it only takes a few minutes initially, and once you have gotten your routine down it only takes a handful of seconds.
Keeping the rail lubed is also a very important aspect of the servicing process. 75-100 shots seem to be the suggested amount of intervals between when you should add the lube. I will warn you to STAY AWAY from petroleum jelly based lubes. They will aid in the build-up of the previously mentioned “gunk.” Instead of a Vaseline based option, you should make sure to use an oil-based lubricant. This will ensure proper lubrication and little to no hassle.
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